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Office Policies

The field of Orthodontics has experienced many breakthroughs in recent years due to technological advances. Computer-generated models and treatment projections, low-friction brackets, temperature-activated wires, esthetic alternatives to braces, and computer communication tools are all part of our office. The use of these technologies not only allows us to keep our fees competitive with other offices, but also help us to provide beautiful results more predictably and efficiently.

Office Policies for Greco Orthodontics

Mission Statement

We specialize in custom treatment plans. Each patient presents with a unique set of circumstances and goals. So rather than present only one orthodontic product or treatment plan we explore alternatives in both type of appliances and methods to achieve the desired outcome. Technology is used only as an adjunct to achieving the result, clinical experience and knowledge used to customize our treatment plans. This approach provides the greatest chance of success leading to shorter treatment time and predictable results.

"A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it, and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it." - Author Unknown

Office Hours

We are available to serve you, answer your questions and schedule appointments during the following hours:

Monday, Tuesday,  & Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Scheduling Appointments

In order to accommodate the busy schedules of our patients, we utilize a highly efficient scheduling system provided by Ortho II computer systems. This system is designed to minimize your time in the office while maximizing treatment progress.

Please remember that your appointment is reserved just for you. If you must reschedule your appointment, please give a 24-hour notice. If you are running late, please call before coming in to verify that you can be seen that day or if you need to reschedule. Missed appointments delay treatment time. It is in your best interest to keep all appointments, if possible.

Successive Visits

Periodic visits are an important part of orthodontic treatment. Generally, we will want to see you every 4-6 weeks to check your progress and make adjustments to your braces. During this time, you will need to keep appointments, follow instructions, as well as practice good oral hygiene and proper nutrition. Also continue to visit your dentist regularly. Once your braces are removed, retainers are utilized to hold your teeth in their new positions until your bone, gums and muscles adapt to the new teeth positions. We will continue to monitor you through this stage with appointments being less frequent.